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Shizhuo Trails - Mist Trail


步道長度: 0.88 km

步行時間: About 50 minutes

挑戰等級: Advance level

海拔高度: About 1380-1570m

◼️Entrance-A GPS:23°28'26.5"N 120°42'09.7"E
◼️Entrance-B GPS:23°28'39.3"N 120°42'22.5"E

This trail was formerly the pathway for shipping supplies into the mountains. Turn onto the industrial road at the 63.4-km marker of Provincial Highway 18, you will arrive at the south-end entrance. Entering from here, you will soon find the hills covered by tea fields and cedar trees in between. Further up the trail near the mid-point, there are lush moso bamboos and thill bamboos. The path is built with a mix of cement and concrete grass bricks, covered by bamboo leaves that can be slippery.134-DSC_0619_霧之道-s
Further up the wooden stairs of the northern section, more lush bamboos can be found along with some fan-palm trees, marking the industrial history. After a few Z-shaped turns, accompanied by the wild sounds of insects and birds, you will arrive at the north-end entrance which connects to the Peizaitong Forest Path. If you continue north, you will enter Tea Trail which is under the jurisdiction of Forestry Bureau. At the north-most end of Tea Trail, you can connect to the east-end entrance of Cloud Trail.134-DSC_0631_霧之道-s
How to Get There
Choose a transportation method based on your departure location.