Four Seasons of Alishan Tea Tourism – Tasting tea according to different solar terms.
Posted Date:2019-01-28 Updated:2019-11-14
Alishan tea is world renowned. To promote Alishan tea and tea tasting, Alishan National Scenic Area Administration, Tourism Bureau, MOTC, collaborating with local tea experts, planned season-limited tea events according to the 24 solar terms and Alishan scenery. The first “Spring Equinox Grassland Tea Party” was held on March 23 and 24 March at Niupuzai Grassland, integrating various themes of community flower tea shops, tea culture and creativity, tea dining, and tea poem composing. The “Summer Solstice Forest Tea Party” was held on July 20, and the “Autumnal Equinox Landscape Tea Party” on September 28, and finally, the “Winter Solstice Old House Tea Party” on January 4, 2020. In the mountain fog of Alishan and sea of cloud in the valley, follow the aroma of tea on the trip. Taste the tea in the amazing scenery of Alishan and bring some tea-related souvenirs and gifts with you home.
Tea is closely related to the 24 solar terms. Tea can be generally categorized into Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter tea, based on their production time. It can be further categorized by the solar terms Pre-Qing Ming, Qing Ming (pure brightness), Grain Rain, the Beginning of Summer, Grain Full, Grain in Ear, Summer Solstice, Slight Heat, Great Heat, the Beginning of Autumn, the Limit of Heat, White Dew, Autumnal Equinox, and Cold Dew. Each season has its own appropriate tea making process and unique aroma and flavor profile. It is hoped that visitors to Alishan can enjoy the tea of different seasons and a dynamic, refined, in-depth tea-themed trip.
Tea is closely related to the 24 solar terms. Tea can be generally categorized into Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter tea, based on their production time. It can be further categorized by the solar terms Pre-Qing Ming, Qing Ming (pure brightness), Grain Rain, the Beginning of Summer, Grain Full, Grain in Ear, Summer Solstice, Slight Heat, Great Heat, the Beginning of Autumn, the Limit of Heat, White Dew, Autumnal Equinox, and Cold Dew. Each season has its own appropriate tea making process and unique aroma and flavor profile. It is hoped that visitors to Alishan can enjoy the tea of different seasons and a dynamic, refined, in-depth tea-themed trip.